Monday, April 18, 2016

Rico The Cockapoo and his new shop

Over at Ricothecockapoo  I mentioned our new e-tail store through Facebook.

Banner for the store
Here are just a few of the tutus we have listed for your furry friends.


Pink Princess

White Wedding
Check out the Store!! HERE

Like, share, rinse and repeat!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I miss my dad

I needed to write this out . As I am typing the tears are flowing. I cant believe my dad is gone and I miss his so very much.
The past 8 months have been so stressful and hard for me, and I need to release all the pent up anger, frustration and sadness before it eats me alive.

Back in June 2015, while the family was at the beach, he was complaining of severe back pain. He couldn't enjoy himself, could hardly walk, sit, or spend time with his family comfortably.  It was a shame, because Nags Head was his favorite place.  When he got home, he went to his doctor who sent him in for an x-ray (thinking it was a fractured rib or slipped disc or something).  What they found were lesions, which was indicative of Cancer. After further testing it was revealed that he did indeed have Multiple Myeloma (blood cancer).
At first They were very optimistic and started Chemo and bone strengthening treatments."This can be managed. This is something you die with, not from"  The first few weeks went well, but the treatments quickly started to rear its ugly head.
He couldn't eat or drink without gagging, lost his appetite, was tired and nauseated all the time. He lost weight...a lot of weight. He had to use a cane to walk, He would get winded and exhausted very quickly.
A few months later he was hospitalized. A host of issues were fighting within his body. Dehydration was causing his heart rhythm to get out of whack, which caused things, which caused things, which caused things. A month or so later his kidneys started shutting down and he was put into ICU and immediately started on dialysis.  Dialysis wasn't helping, seemed to be getting worse, then they realized the plasma in the blood was thickening up like a gel in the kidneys causing problems. They started a new treatment, plasmapheresis, that seemed to help.
Then in November, right before Thanksgiving, he contracted Cellulitis on his legs, which put him back in the hospital for quite a long time.  By this time he was so skinny and weak he couldn't even get out of bed. He was in constant pain. His treatments were causing issues that his body couldn't handle.
A photo posted by Sarah Koch McBride (@sarahkochmcbride) on

Day trip from Boise- Hells Canyon and Dam , and Owyhee Reservoir

"Hells Canyon, North America's deepest rover gorge, encompasses a vastly remote region with dramatic changes in elevation, terrain,...