What a difference a year makes!
2017 was such a 180 degree turn around from 2016!

Husband finished his radiology program and graduated 1st in his class! He finally got a job doing what he loves and I can relax for a minute and not be so uptight and clenched about finances and money issues etc.
We got to see PAUL SIMON in concert! That was a bucket list music event for both of us. What a great chance for us to see one of our favorite musicians, and he did not disappoint!
This year my youngest surpassed us all in height..where did my baby go?

We were fortunateto live right near the totality zone for the Solar eclipse. We were able to go to my brothers house and watch one of the most amazing celestial events I have ever been blessed to witness. It was very spiritual and almost Primal (is gthat the right word). It spoke to all of us on a deep and personal level. It was enough to make you teary eyed. Youngest son said "That was unexpectedly emotional for me".
I got to cross another bucket item off my list...World of Coca Cola in Atlanta. What a cool museum!

We went on a Carribbean cruise for our family vacation. It was a celebration of Hubby graduating, Son#1 turning 17, Son#2 turning 14 and starting high school and hubbs and I reaching our 20th wedding anniversary. We went to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Mexico and Bahamas. Sun and fun- we ALL needed it!!

And best of all I GOT TO GO TO ITALY!!! I have a dear friend who lives there and it was SUCH an amazing opportunity to go and stay with her and have her as the worlds best tour guide. I am doubly happy to have taken my mom with me. It was a trip of a lifetime and SHE NEEDED IT! We went to Venice, Burano, Verona, Padua, Vicenza, Illasi, Brendola, Soave, Nove and more. I absolutely fell in love with Italy and am so glad I had the chance to get there. I MAY be planning my next trip....
I also got dental work done that needed to get done (yay wisdom tooth extraction, root canal and crown), I pulled my kids out of public school and started homeschooling them, I went to the temple more, I made sure that I helped others where I could, but didnt over extend myself.
In the end I made more money, I am happier, healthier and READY FOR 2018!!!