Monday, October 12, 2020


A few months ago I decided to take charge of my health. Many years of bad habits, bad food and bad decisions  has left me more than enough extra pounds on my frame, and my share of health annoyances. Instead of one giant change all at once, I started making small steps.   First I started taking a superfoods nutritional supplement and collagen, then I started tweaking my diet a little(cutting out pop, and following a fat burning diet), and taking the dog for a longer walk 
Then I realized I wasnt getting nearly enough water.  I made it one of my goals to drink a MINIMUM of 6 cups a day (still less than recommended minimum), which for me was difficult because I was lucky if I got  4 or 5 in a day on a regular basis.   I mean All I drank was water, just not enough. SO I decided to drink 1 more cup than normal every day.  Once I got into the habit of 6 cups I made it 7, then once that was a habit I made it 8. Then 9, 10, 11, and  12.  This did not happen overnight, it has taken me 3 months to get to where I am at. I decided to work my way up so I could create a healthy habit and give myself a goal to work towards.  Since I live in the desert , hydration is an issue, so am currently trying to get it up to 14 and eventually to a full gallon a day. 
Problem was I didn't have a water bottle that was big enough without having to keep doing refills.  Then I lost count of how many refills I had done, where I was at numbers wise, and then my intake started to slip back down. I invested in a gallon size container, but I didnt like swigging from it like a pirate...or having to pour the water out into a cup to drink.  I love a bottle with a straw.

Then I found this.  GAME CHANGER.   

It is a wide mouth bottle and comes in a variety of pretty colors (Mine is the blue and pink ombre), has a straw (detaches if you dont like it), a click in place lid and dust cover (That actually stays in place), and has a printed timeline and motivational phrases to keep you drinking.  You start at 7am , and if you follow your water levels throughout the day will be able to get your entire gallon in before the day is done!
There is room to add ice or fruit or whatever.  It doesnt have that plastic-y chemical taste that a lot of these water bottles tend to have.   BPA free and leakproof!

ALSO COMES IN 32 OZ if the gallon size is too big for your needs.

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