Tuesday, August 25, 2020

COLLAGEN- What is it, and why is it so important?

 "Your body has so many cells, parts and systems. And many of them are help together with collagen. The most abundant protein in your body is all about connection and strength. That's because collagen's adhesive qualities are only matched by its ability to provide structure and strength" (--Learn about collagen   askthescientists.com--)

Usually skin comes to mind when the word collagen is metioned, and that's because collagen is a huge component of your largest organ (your skin).  BUT your skin is only a small fraction of your body where collagen is found. It's also found in your Blood vessels, teeth, cartilage, discs between your vertebrae, digestive tract, and as a protective casing for your kidneys and other organs.

(I know this from personal experience)
 The older you get the less collagen your body naturally produces. And the collagen that is produced is not the high quality collagen of your youth. This will impact everything from the appearance of your hair, skin and nails to your joint health, gut health and bone health. You can use all sorts of creams and serums, but without collagen you are just covering the problem with grease. It may feel good, but neep down it isnt as healthy as it could be.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that collagen is my best friend.
Here are just a few things that collagen can do for you:

A while back I added a liquid collagen supplement to my diet.  I had read about it, listened to testimonials and thought it would help a little,(people tend to over-exaggerate sometimes)... but the results I have had have blown me away!  My hair and skin and nails are no longer dry and dull and brittle, the pain in my joints has reduced dramatically, I no longer have to be close to a bathroom after eating as my gut health has been transformed and I no longer have that mid afternoon brain fog. It has also helped with my metabolism, has helped with appetite suppression (a lucky unknown side-effect perhaps?) and I sleep better.  

DISCLAIMER: I did this collagen supplement in conjunction with a superfoods concentrate and my health has never been better. I havent been sick(no summer cold, no flu, no strep, NOTHING), I have more energy than I know what to do with (no more mid morning/afternoon caffeine soda to get me through the day) and my moods have gone from jekyll and hyde to smooth and even keeled.  I will be doing a separate post later this week on superfoods and importance of good nutrition.

I started the collagen a few weeks into my superfoods regiment and could tell a HUGE difference in quality of life shortly after adding the collagen supplement.

If you want to take control of your health and help your body work the best it can, I highly recommend a collagen supplement.  It wont be overnight, those people who do the "I tried collagen for 2 weeks and didnt see a difference" didnt use it long enough. Your body takes about 4-6 weeks to adjust to any new regiment--  Give collagen 90 days and be transformed.

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