Thursday, August 27, 2020


 With all the talk about getting healthy these days, and with the increase in sales of supplements, gym equipment and more, it is obvious that people are trying to get healthy, lose weight, get in shape or maintain their shape.  COVID has everyone in a tailspin and the medical supplies industry, the supplements and personal nutrition industries have been booming!

One word often bandied about is "SUPERFOODS".  We hear it on shows or ads,  "Oh (insert food here) is a superfood, and that means ______."    We read it in all those health magazines. We see it on the internet.  Every week there seems to be a new superfood fad or superfood plant du jour. Thanks to the hype,  the term superfood has just seemed to become just a marketing ploy buzzword, and there are lots of people wondering "Just what is a superfood and is it really that effective since every week there seems to be a different one taking the world and internet by storm?"

So a superfood is a dietary nickname for any food that are nutritional dynamos!  A superfood is typically extremely high is nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids or even healthy fats.  They fuel your body to help fight against disease, nutritional deficiencies and effects of those things.   and YES, superfoods are SUPER effective in your diet and nutritional lifestyle! 

Simply stated they are usually a food that is nutritionally dense and considered extremely beneficial for ones health and well-being.

So, what are some examples of superfoods?

ACAI BERRY- A.K.A Brazilian Beauty Berry!  Loaded with anti oxidants this powerhouse is chock full of everything to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy! Also said to help with cognitive function(brain health), Heart Health and weight loss.  

ALOE VERA- I think everyone grew up with at least one aloe plant in their house.  We used it mostly for cuts, scrapes and burns, but did you know that Aloe is TOTALLY a superfood??  Aloe Vera has 75 active compounds that are beneficial. Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12! Lots of minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium!  This powerhouse contains anti bacterial and anti viral agents, and helps with pain relief as well.  Gut Health, Immune system, arthritis , skin care and cholesterol are all things that can be improved by the proper use of aloe. who knew that little potted succulent was more than just sunburn care?

AMLA (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY)-   The Amla is super high in Vitamin C, Iron and calcium.  It is Great for your immune system, heart health, hair and is high in fiber!  It also contains chromium which can help stabilize blood sugar levels!  It is a green grape looking fruit that is said to contain 5 of the 6 tastes (sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent). 

ASHWAGANDHA-  This plant is like an evergreen shrub found mostly in India, Middle East and Africa. It has long been a dietary and medicinal staple overseas!  Ashwgandha is classified as an Adaptogen, meaning it helps your body manage stress.  It can boost brain function, help lower stress, help lower cortisol levels and help fight symptoms of anxiety as well!  Some studies have shown effectiveness against tumor growth, and helping prevent spread of cancer. 

BROCCOLI-  I dont know why kids hate broccoli!! I always loved it as a kid, and it is my sons favorite vegetable.  "Eat your trees!"  Broccoli is an amazing superfood!  This cruciferous  vegetable packs a punch in the vitamins and minerals!  Vitamins A, C, E and K and a variety of Vitamin B, including folic acid.  Higher in fiber and helps increase iron absorption.       

CRANBERRY-  This sour bog fruit is AMAZING.  Who would have thought that the humble cranberry was such a contender!! High in Vitamin C (think immune system), it also contains powerful cancer fighting compounds called proanthocyanadins (PAC'S). Cranberries help protect your DNA from free radical damage and high oxidative stress. Great for stomach and bladder health,(Thats why pure cranberry juice is so good for urinary tract infections!) and help contribute to normal cell function and cell health.  Promotes liver detox and a healthy anti-inflammatory response.  This baby isnt just for thanksgiving turkey anymore! 

GRAPE SEED/ GRAPE SKIN-  So now this seems like a weird entry, right?? But grape seeds are ridiculous!  Grape Seeds are rich in anti oxidants and flavanoids.  They support a healthy venous system,  are great for reducing oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue damage. Blood pressure, collagen production, oral health,  bone strength, blood pressure, and improved kidney fuction are all part of grape seed benefits!   The Skin of a grape shouldn't be overlooked either. Grape skins are high in antioxidants and help suppress cancer pathways, helps promote cell death in cancer cells, decreases systemic inflammation and helps stimulate mitochondrial activity!

GINSENG- This bad boy has been touted as a cure all for years. A little herb and root has been a popular remedy for  a myriad of ailments , everything from sexual dysfunction to brain fog to low energy.   More energy, better cognitive function and better sex drive??  
More studies have shown that ginseng isnt just for libido and energy. It also helps stabilize blood sugar,  it beneficially targets the immune system to help combat inflammation. Some studies were even done to see how ginseng works in combating influenza. 

GREEN TEA-  This tea has been used for thousands of years in traditional Asian medicine. It is used to treat depression, headaches, arthritis pain and weight loss.  The nutritional value of Green Tea is astounding! Chock full of antioxidants, this plant can help fight damage to the tissues and cells. It helps improve cholesterol levels and has been thought to help protect against the nerve cell damage due to dementia or Alzheimers.  The antioxidants in green tea are also a skin boosting benefit, including drink up!

KALE-  This superfood seems to be the one that rubs people the wrong way. It's Kale this. Kale that. Kale. Kale. Kale.  Whats the deal with Kale?   Well for starters Kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the entire planet! This leafy green is one of  best sources of Vitamin K in the world (Think bone health, blood clotting etc).  Kale has been used to help manage blood sugar levels, digestive health , heart health, eye health,  skin and hair health, and contains many anti-cancer properties.  So despite the sneering and derision this leafy green gets, it really isn't just for hipsters.  Kale is like the Hulk of superfoods.

MANGOSTEEN-  If you are like me I had NEVER in my life heard of Mangosteen. I looked it up and was amazed by it's potential in the superfoods fight! It is a gorgeous looking fruit (although obsure) from southeast Asia, and is packed with a punch of everything thats good for you!  It contains a rich supply of nutrients, fiber and unique antioxidants. Mangosteen has powerful compounds that show anti inflammatory,  anti-aging, anti-cancer and anti-diabetic effects. They are still doing mangosteen studies in regards to weight loss and seeing some promising results. Hearth health, immunity boosting vitamin C, brain health and digestive health are also positive benefits of the Mangosteen.

MAQUIBERRY-  Another obscure fruit that I had never heard of, but is similar to the Acai berry.  It is grown mainly in south america and has been used for thousands of years by many natives, especially around Chile.  Maquiberry is LOADED with anti-oxidants.  They help stabilize free radicals and help prevent cell damage and it's adverse effects.  Anti imflammatory, helps protect against heart disease, helps lower cholesterol, and is used for eye health, gut health and has shown promising effects in the fight against cancer.  Anti aging properties, skin properties.  This little miracle berry has it all!!

NONI-  Noni is derived from a popular evergreen plant, found in southern and southeast asia and in the south pacific.  Noni has been used for millenia to boost the immune system and detoxify the body.  Noni has been used to help arthritis and other inflammation. It is great in the fight against gout. It is good for the hair and skin. Packed with Vitamin C it fights free radicals and oxidation, so is a great fight in the battle against aging.  also helps to reduce stress !  A shot a day can also help combat fever and help stabilize proper immune response. Noni also helps the body produce nitric oxide, which is essential ! Nitric oxide helps lower blood pressure, improves athletic performance and recovery, helps with brain function, and helps your body absorb nutrients more readily.  The NONI is amazing.

POMEGRANATE-  When I was a kid, we lived in California for a few years.  Our neighbor had a pomegranate tree and would let us take the ones that would hang over the fence.  My friend and I would grab one on our way to school, crack them open and suck the juice off all those little seed.  I LOVED Pomegranate as a kid, and I had no idea it was that good for me!!   Pomegranate juice has THREE TIMES the antioxidants of red wine and green tea!! Pomegranate has impressive anti inflammatory properties, and promising studies show a reduction of inflammation in breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer cells. Blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis/joint pain can all run scared of the glorious pomegranate too!!  These glistening red seeds are a true treasure in the superfoods canon.

RED RASPBERRIES-  I Love raspberries. My favorite pie is raspberry pie. My favorite Jam is raspberry.  I.LOVE.RASPBERRIES.  Raspberries are an edible species of the rose family (who knew?) Raspberries are full of fiber, vitamin C and are relatively low in calories.   Raspberries have an antioxidative effect which helps combat chronic disease such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Adding raspberry benefits can hep in the anti-aging process, weight loss and helps with arthritis pain. The vitamin C helps boost collagen production, and  also helps boost the immune system.

SPINACH-   "Im strong to the finish 'cause I eats me spinach, Im Popeye the Sailor man!".   There is a reason popeye ate his spinach!  Loaded with nutrients, yet low in calories, Spinach REALLY packs a punch.  It helps stabilize blood glucose levels, reduces risk of developing cancer,  aids in good bone health, great if you have anemia, reduces hypertension, contains anti-inflammatory properties,  helps your body relax and combat stress (even aids in a good night sleep!)  Immune system, heart health,  brain function, glowing skin,  helps with acne and is a great power in the anti-aging arena.!  whaaaattt??? who would have thought this little leafy green could help with all that?

WILD ALASKAN BLUEBERRY-    Wild blueberries contain up to 48% more antioxidants than their domesticated brothers and sisters.  Flavanoids abound in the wild blueberry, which are powerful anti inflammatory and anti oxidants. Wild blueberry can help support cardiovascular health, eye health and  help support healthy blood sugar.  These berries are good for the brain and can hep protect it, help improve cognitive and memory function and may help with the slow decline often seen in aging. 
Soooo, why wild Alaskan??    Alaskan blueberries receive more UV exposure during the summer growing season (the whole 24 hours of sun thing), and with the cold temps and soil it shocks the root system of the blueberries. The blueberries produce higher levels of anti oxidants and flavanoids to combat the stress, creating a more nutritionally dense berry than those grown in lower latitudes.  So yes plain blueberries are great, but for a truly powerful effect, the wild alaskan blueberry is the real MVP in the blueberry world.

WILD CAUGHT ALASKAN SALMON- The only non plant on this list, the wild caught Alaska Salmon is a game changer..  Super High in Omega 3 fatty acids and bioactive peptides, Salmon helps provide joint and cartilage support, insulin effectiveness and control of inflammation in the digestive tract.  Cardiovascular health, improved brain function, improved mood and cognition, decreased cancer risk, better eye health are just a few of the benefits that wild caught salmon provides.  So why wild caught? And again, why Alaska?    Wild caught salmon has an overall better nutritional profile, due to its diverse natural diet and habitat.  The Alaskan salmon lives in an environment that has been less polluted with pesticides, and pollutants, has a natural and diverse diet than anywhere else, and has not been manipulated by humans for cost control, no added antibiotics etc.  They are in their wild habitat and live, swim and eat what nature intended!!

WOLFBERRY-  I had never heard of Wolfberry...until I realized it was known by its more famous moniker "GOJI ".  The Wolfberry/Goji is  also affectionately nicknamed the Fountain of Youth.  This little miracle berry is native to a shrub grown in china. The berries have been eaten for generations, claiming longer life and better health.   Goji/Wolfberry helps contribute to an overall feeling of calmness, improved athletic performance, better sleep and even weight loss. Goji helps slow vision loss, helps reduce cholesterol and helps stabilize blood sugar.  High in Vitamin C, it is a natural immune booster.  Helps with cholesterol,  promotes wound healing, reduce the risk of cancer and much more. Who would have thought this little red orange fruit could be such a heavyweight!

SO...How do we incorporate ALLLLLLLL these superfoods into our diet without breaking the bank, or having nine million things to take every day? There are all sorts of supplement powders, pills, teas, blends etc that you can find online.  How do you know which one is reputable? which one is truly going to make a difference?

MY personal supplement program of choice contains all these superfoods in an easy to consume packet.  One in the morning with breakfast and one at night with dinner.  My health has improved dramatically since starting this 6 weeks ago.  I sleep better, my skin looks amazing,  I have lost weight, my arthritis pain is almost gone, my blood sugar has stabilized, my blood pressure is no longer sky high. I no longer have the anxiousness and anxiety, depression and we havent had so much as a single sneeze.  My husband works in a high traffic urgent care and they have seen Covid, the flu, strep and more. He tests patients ALL DAY LONG,  and he has not gotten sick.  We here at home have not gotten sick.    It is the real deal. 

SO if you are looking to add superfoods as a supplement click here to try the best in the business!!

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