Thursday, August 20, 2020

Never too late!!


"It's never too late to be what you might have been" (George Eliot)

I felt this.

    The past few months as I have been trying to figure out my path, I keep getting distracted by my own chatter.. I know in my heart the direction I am going has been put in my path, dropped into my lap, slapped me in the face...pick your metaphor.  

I know that at 44 I am COMPLETELY starting over, total new direction, trying to find myself in the process. I have the goals in mind, I know how I am SUPPOSED to reach them. That's not the issue. 

The past 3 weeks has been hard for me, like REALLY HARD.   I have been trying to get out of my head, trying to get away from myself and get to the person that I know I have always had underneath, but have been too scared or nervous or un-trusting of myself.  I have always been so worried about what so-and-so will think, or I don't want to bug people, or I want everyone to like me so I am going to stay in my own lane and not make waves or say anything.   It has been hard for me to say "No" a lot of times. I often find myself being taken advantage of and overextended.   Many times I rush into things without fully thinking things through  and then I think "well if you hadnt done that..."

 I was just kind of feeling BLAH about my whole situation, and I realized that it was TIME TO STOP MY PITY PARTY!  I may be 44, but I dont have to act like I have one foot in the grave and wont ever be successful and the best years are behind me etc.

I know that my hard work will pay off. I know that what I have chosen to do will be successful. I am surrounded by positive mentors who have been successful who are giving me the roadmap. It is never too late to be...

I get excited about the future. I get excited about reaching my health goals, excited about reaching my financial goals...but I get scared at the thought of what goes into achieving. That has been the biggest personal roadblock,as I tend to psych myself out and let the "You will never be good enough" get into my head.  Discouragement is a hard pill to swallow for me. I know my triggers and my surroundings well enough to know what happens when I start to wallow.  I have to create a NEW MINDSET for my life. I have to create a new state of being.  I have to create new micro habits to get past the old stumbling blocks and bust through into achievement.  

I have to have short term memory when people say "no thanks" or "Im not interested". When I present something to a prospective client or customer I hear "Another magic pill " or "just another scheme", I have to remember that it is THEIR insecurities, not mine.

  I know the value of what I offer, I dont need their validation.   

 I have to keep going. I have to keep talking to people and posting my stories. I have to keep posting my successes. I also have to remember that for every 1 or 2 or even 10 people say no, there will be 1 that says yes. If I have a few good people with me who are as serious as I am about their health and their money, I cannot fail!! 

Have you ever felt the own negative chatter in your head? Have you ever let it hold you back from doing what you know is the right thing for you? Have you ever let someone elses chatter hold you back?  WHY??  why do we let others opinions make the decisions that will impact our own lives?

Have you ever wanted financial freedom so badly you could almost taste it?? You would sign up for every stupid thing that came your way because you thought "Maybe this is the one".  Have you held yourself back from getting into something that could be amazing because you had been burned in the past?

Have you ever taken just ONE MORE CHANCE to find it was the best thing that has ever happened to you?  I have.  

IT IS NEVER TOO LATE!! I am finding my financial freedom. I am finding my health. I am finding out that i am NEVER too old to become what I could have always been! I have found one of the most amazing companies, their products are truly amazing and change lives. I am living proof of that.

. I am NEVER looking back!

Interested in knowing more? Click HERE


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