Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Back To (Home)School

 So this is Finn senior year.  I cant even believe it. 

when I started our homeschool journey 4 years ago I never imagined it would become what it has.  He really fought it the first few months.  I was unfair. Mean. I just didnt understand. Why was i doing this to him?  He just wanted to be with his friends...

by the end of the first semester he realized just how much he liked homeschool.  I wasnt breathing down his neck 24/7. I let him go at his own pace.  I found fun videos and documentaries and movies to go along with what he was studying. He was able to concentrate and get done quickly and have the rest of the day to be a kid and play. He wasnt distracted by all the drama and gossip and shenanigans of High School. He still saw his friends after school he still went to scouts and youth group and for a time robotics.  after a year we did the end of year testing.  He scored off the charts. His brother did too, and he had some pretty serious learning issues and handicaps.   His sophomore year we asked "Would you like to go back to Public School or stay in homeschool?  He immediately answered "Homeschool".  He admitted he liked not having all the distractions, he didnt miss the bullying and garbage that tends to go on. He liked being able to pick a subject he was interested in and just really go for it.  He showed an interest in computer programming and just did a ton of self study and has really become quite skilled in various programming languages, and has even submitted a bunch of games to various platforms!  I am super proud of him.

This year, after the death of his brother, we decided to pack up and leave NC for the wonderful wilds of Boise ID.  Turns out ID is a GREAT state to homeschool.  It is very similar to NC, in that parents are fully responsible for any education and can tailor any program to their childs needs.  I am definitely an "UNSCHOOL METHOD" kind of mom.  I dont have a super strict set course. We have our core stuff we have to do, but basically I provide him with the tools and he decides his pace and he decides his curriculum.  As long as it falls in the graduation guidelines I am A-OK with it.  He has proven himself to be very  ambitious with his interests and learning.  we have done everything from guitar, to computer programming, to robotics to bible study. This  year we are learning self defense and setting up a stream on his computer so he can learn social media and networking skills.  It will also go  towards his english requirements because it involves public speaking, and coming up with ideas and scripts.  I think I may also have him do a typing tutor type thing.  He is always trying to learn and do something new, and I am always willing to let him try.  I am super proud of how well he has done.

I cant believe this is his last year.  So in our new house he has a great bedroom. Our house is WAY bigger than our old house in NC and we have so much room for him to spread out and really set up a great space for his work.  I got him a corner desk to work from.  He set up his laptops, he has a tripod for his camera and a ring light as well. He uses that for his streaming.  He has a microphone for his streaming as well.  He talked me into getting him some LED strips to go around the top of his room. They change colors and can be set up to flash to different music or sounds.  His room is really cool!  He is getting a large whiteboard for logistics and schedules etc.  He has it all set up just how he likes and it is pretty cool.   I have included links for all products we got for his homeschool set-up and streaming, feel free to click and check it out!

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