Thursday, September 17, 2020



I really like this beautiful quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  E.B.B. was a poet in the Victorian era and was quite popular in England and the United States.

 Although this quote has been attributed to her,  research deeper into the matter finds the exact reference unclear.  

So what does it mean to light tomorrow with today?

In my mind it means that the choices and actions you make and take will determine the course of your future.  It can be a very narrow meaning (Hey precook your chicken today so your dinner prep is faster tomorrow) or it can have a more broad connotation (Put aside a portion of each paycheck into a savings account to help secure your financial health for retirement).  Of course those are just 2 simple examples.

What you do today can either move your tomorrow forward or backward, today is your opportunity to create a more positive tomorrow. Make the most of it. ♥

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