Monday, September 7, 2020

LOVE ME SOME AMAZON! Labor Day savings galore!

I LOVE amazon, it is no secret.  Big Labor Day sales going on over at Amazon right now and I dont want anyone to miss out!! I LOVE a good deal, I refuse to pay full price for anything to be honest.  When my husband asks "How much was it" I always tell him "Well normally it's xx.xx, but I got it for yy.yy.  Look at how much I saved!"  So when Amazon goes into sale mode, you KNOW I am all over this!

We just moved into our new house and I used Amazon almost exclusively to decorate, organize and more. 
I think the delivery drivers are tired of seeing my face and my house. For the past 8 days we have had non stop deliveries being made. Rugs, recliner, cleaning supplies, paper towel holder, organizers, end tables, picture frames and hanging hooks, knick knacks, sheets,  and everything else we left behind. (we sold all of our stuff when we moved because we didn't want to move it all the way across the country- hence buying new stuff)

They have EVERYTHING you can think of, and even some things you didnt think of.
check out the link  HERE to take you to the site and browse around!

The Labor Day sale ends September 9th!

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