I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and let it completely destroy my day.
I stomped, I pouted, I moped, I yelled. I was really my charming self.
So to my kids who took the brunt of my hostility, I apologize.
And to my husband who brought me home ice cream to help soothe the savage beast, thank you.
Last night we had TORRENTIAL downpours and wind. We lost 3 large branches from one or two of our pine trees in the back yard. I could stick them into a piece of florist styrofoam and have a Christmas tree. All I need is Charlie Brown and the cast singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing.
2 of my poor bean plants were flattened, so I stood them up and hard packed some dirt around them to keep them upright. I am just so glad I had the foresight to add stakes to my tomatoes and tie them up along with having cages around them. I wont complain about a handful of beans, because we desperately need rain in these parts, and it could have been worse.

I have found my new favorite shampoo and conditioner. Herbal Essences HELLO HYDRATION. i foudn them through Dawn, who emailed me about their free mani-pedi offer right now. (buy any two specially marked herbal essences shampoo or conditioner, you get a voucher for a free manicure or pedicure). So I went to Walmart(GASP!) and bought a bottle of the shampoo and conditioner.
My hair was soft, smooth and shiny. It smells great too. I swim with my kids every day so my hair has been feeling the brunt of the pool water and has been kind of dry. This combination has REALLY helped. One thing I REALLY like about it, is the thickness. The shampoo is thick and creamy and makes a great lather. It rinses clean too. The conditioner is thick and creamy as well, not thin and wimpy like other conditioners. It sort of made me feel that it was clinging to my hair for dear life, moisturizing the heck out of it. My hair was baby butt smooth and silky. It really was amazing.
Oh and I found THIS GAME. Dan and Laura, I shall KILL you for telling me about it. I spent TWO HOURS trying to figure out how to get past level 6!! (please email me and help or my kids will go without lunch and dinner)
hopefully today will be better than yesterday. Send me good thoughts and good karma.
For some reason, I keep getting a beautiful design on your blog and the writing is behind it..I still read it and would not quit..Storms have been hitting everywhere..some are really frightening..glad it was only a few branches/string beans that got hurt..
As far as being "grouchy", heck you wouldn't be human, if you didn't have a day like that..
I've become addicted to the Herbal Essence shampoo again!!! I used to use it a while ago, but then it didn't seem to help anymore. I switched to Dove with Matt, but since I bought the Herbal Essence (yes, for the free pedicure, I'm glad I could pass that onto others) my hair HAS gotten softer!!! I've been using the "none of your frizziness" shampoo, and the "color me happy" and the "totally twisted" conditioners...swapping them out to see if there's a difference. LOVE these! Even Matt says my hair feels softer!
Maybe we should contact Herbal Essence and get some kick back for this exposure?
Sorry to hear about the tree and your beans!!! I just planted lettuce seeds on Sunday, and they're actually sprouting!!! And it's only Thursday!
Haha...the Herbal Essence website states that your Hello Hydration has gotten an award for not only the 2007 Kiss of Approval Beauty Award in COSMO!girl magazine, but also was one of the TeenVogue Readers' Choice beauty awards products.
Good choice dollface.
Ohh Herbal Essence, I remember the orgasmic commercial...must try. Multiple times. Lol.
I hope today is BETTER! Sending you some love!
I hope you have had a better day, Monday was my grumpy day!
: )
I had to comment on your first picture on this post. I LOVE the smurfs and haven't seen them in probably 20 years! LOL Thanks for bringing back some great memories!
I hope you're having better days! :)
alrighty..I just had to leave a comment on this one, because now all I do at work is play that game and my hair is silky smooth smelling like the tropics. Gracias.
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