Also my Chocolate Give-away is still going on, you can enter HERE. It ends tomorrow night at 8pm.
Photos of my week:

I took this photo in the flower gardens at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. I really love water lilies and it was all perky and perfect and pretty.
So I took a picture of it. In fact I went through the gardens snapping pictures of ALL the flowers. I know people thought I was berserk. Oh well.
Here is Finn chowing down on Watermelon. It is one of his favorite things. I thought he was going to lay it down on the ground and lower himself into it. His ENTIRE FACE was covered in watermelon juice by the end of this eating extravaganza. It was kind of hard to get this shot, as he was diving face first into it so quickly.

This is Jake the dog.
I really liked this picture as it looked like he was laughing --I like to think he was chuckling at white and nerdy trying to get rid of the burrowing yellow jackets nest. (spray stuff and run run run. come back, agitate the nest and then run run run. Spray more stuff run run run. agitate the nest again run run run. It was pretty comical)

EWWWWWWW, what the heck is THAT?? Well THAT is a sign that those stupid glass doors and metal tracks are OFF my tub now!!! Our upstairs bathroom has a tub that had those acrylic sliding doors attached to it, in those metal tracks. They were so hard to keep clean, that metal track just got absolutely DISGUSTING and I just couldnt take it anymore.
So we ripped off the doors and track to uncover the previous owners who had installed these stupid things in the first place and used some sort of tacky grey paste to glue them down. Then they did a piss poor job of silicone caulking around the rails.
I borrowed my dads chisel and got all that gunk off. We got one of those Hotel style outward curve shower curtains. It looks so much better.
We got a really pretty fabric shower curtain. It is a sheer pale salmon and lime and maroon pinstripe.(hard to describe, but it really is pretty. And it is kind of hard to see in the pictures)

Now If I can only make a decision on paint color. I know I am going pale green (like a pale lime green) but I am having a hard time deciding WHICH pale Lime green. I have it narrowed down to 8. Those people at Home Depot just groan and say "Oh here comes that Lady to pull out 400 more green paint chips again"
I am going to tape them all to my bathroom wall and everytime I come in I will pull off one I dont like. It will be the "Survivor" of paint chips. Perhaps I shall devise immunity challenges as well.
Maybe when I am done I shall make a Paint Chip Wallett.
I am not sure the first comment went in..Anyway, will repeat..Love your pictures, especially the little one eating the watermelon..cute..Dog is adorable too.
Your bathroom is looking great..I am still having trouble with a leak..makes me crazy.
We ripped our bathroom shower sliding doors off, too. Who can take a bath with those things? I'm redoing the downstairs bathroom a little at a time. Your paint chip Survivor is a good idea, yo!
Love the new blog background.
Your shower looks much better! Glad you were able to get the icky gunk off.
For what it's worth...HD paints sucks. It's cheap and thin, you'll end up having to put 2-3 coats on and it's loaded with VOCs (volatile organic compounds...aka: nasty, toxic smelly stuff)
Don't know what you have in NC as far as paint stores, but try to find either a low VOC paint such as Devine or a zero VOC paint like Yolo. Costs more money up front, but I've gotten away with one coat of both Devine and Yolo, so in the long run:
1. no nasty toxic smells
2. saves money
3. don't have to spend as much time painting!
I'll get off my soap box now....
Love the new look!!
We did that to our bathroom too, it's so much easier for bathing the babe!
Love the photos of Finn & his beloved watermelon, & Jake. What a cute dog!
Gosh, that Diva sure knows her paints! Next time I'm needing paint related advice she will be my first stop :)
Chocolate... your bathroom will look yummy in dark rich creamy chocolate brown. That glitzy pink shower curtain would look stunning with chocolate!
That's all I gotta say woman!
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