She is accepting about 375 sellers and crafters to sign up and design the daily diary pages, and the monthly calanders. Each crafter can put whatever they want on the page, promote their own shop(but leave plenty of room for journaling) and it costs nothing...other than a few minutes on Photoshop and some creative energy.
She will have these printed and bound and will sell them. The participants can buy one for cost. Last year she sold out 300 diaries. This year she is printing off about 500. It will also come in CD format so you can print off your own pages and customize it how you like.
Want to design one too? The requirements are you have to have a website or a web space (ex. Etsy, Flickr, MySpace, any blog,...) from where you sell or promote your art.
She still has dates available- check it out HERE. You can still sign up, design your own page and be included in this project. It is basically free advertising for your shop, your blog your art or craft. Plus you can show off your creative side.
You can see some of the pages from Diary 2008 HERE

I decided to take on the challenge and design one myself. My date is July 20, 2009. I signed up as The Balm Shoppe
If you want to design your own diary page go visit Fantazya and sign up for a day.
You can do it on photoshop, or you can draw by hand and scan it and send it in.
1. Your own website from which you sell or promote your craft (etsy, flickr, blogger, myspace etc)
2. 1350x2450 pix in black and white
3. 300 dpi resolution
4. jpg format
Cant wait to see what some of you have come up with!!
What a nice idea and may I say, you did a great page..
Sounds cool...
What a great idea. I love your design. Even if I didn't participate I'd be keen on buying one of those diaries.
What an amazing project! I love your page. Thanks for sharing the info with us!
Love the page you made! A very lovely idea!
oh that sounds great, I love your page. I'm off to check it out, thanks for the links!
: )
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