Friday, February 29, 2008
I'll bet ya never would have guessed
1. Eating Croutons makes me dizzy. Something about the crunching kind of twinges my inner ear, and it seriously makes me lightheaded and dizzy. No other crunchy food does it, just croutons. So whenever I get a salad at a restaurant, I pick them off and make my kids eat them.
2. I LOVE sourkraut. my Maiden name is Koch, I am half german, of course I love Kraut. Pork Roast and Sourkraut. YUM. I order extra kraut on reuben sandwiches too. Hot dogs, sausage. Can't get enough Kraut.
3. As much as I love reading a good book, uplifting literature and the classics, I also have a soft spot for ridiculous "bodice rippers". My favorite line from the WORST romance novel ever written is "with a low feral growl, he ripped her gown asunder" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thats freaking awesome.
4. I have been to 49 of the 50 states. I have never been to Maine.maybe someday. I've eaten Lobster from maine...does that count?
5. I lived in Aix-en-Provence, France in college while attending Centre d'Aix at the Institute for American Universities. It was my goal to try every cheese and pastry produced in france. My favorite store was The Monoprix. I still dream about "Caprice des Dieux" and those Smoked Almonds.
6. I can do the Pigeon. (as in Bert and Ernie Doing the wah wah pigeon)
7. My favorite book of all time is "Monster at the end of the book" with Grover.
8. I secretly like Yo Gabba Gabba. My name is Sarah, I like to Dance!
I like it when people make fun of Brittney Spears...bring it on Chris Crocker!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Today I will discus ... My mother.
I love her. I do. But my kids have been grounded from her.
My parents live 5 miles away. My mom and dad get to see my boys several times a week.
they love the boys, they spoil the boys.then they bring them back to me. Usually decked out with new toys, snacks or other nonsense that they don't need.
As many of you know, Transformers has been HUGE in our house.
It seems like every week they were coming home with a new transformer, a new toy, a new SOMETHING.
Yesterday My mom and Dad and I, along with my youngest son, went to Lowes to look at more shelving for my table displays.
Before they came to pick us up, this is the conversation I had with Finn:
FINN: Is Gramma coming with us?
ME: Yes she is.
FINN: Im going to ask her to get me Optimus Prime(something or other)
ME: No, Gramma is done buying you toys and stuff. It is not your birthday and it is not christmas. No more toys from Gram, so dont even ask.
FINN:(in a very snooty tone). Well, we will just wait and see, wont we?
WE WILL JUST WAIT AND SEE, WONT WE????keep in mind this child is 4 1/2. I swear I am raising a teenager sometimes.
We went to Lowes. Dad and I wandered the aisles, getting ideas while my mom and Finn wandered around in search of "kid things".
We met up again and Finn says to me, "mom, can Gram and I go pick up Peter from school? Then she says she will take us to Target....(my mom clamps her hand over Finn's mouth at this point and says "oh no, dont you be saying stuff like that!"
Stupid me, I let it drop, assuming that Finn had decided he could bully my mom into taking him to Target, but that If I told her no she would respect my opinion. (fool me once shame on you, fool me 1136 times, shame on me)
After lunch, I was dropped off at my house. Before they left again I specifically said "NO TOYS. They have enough transformers. Finn it is not your birthday and it is not christmas. Dont ask for anything else. You may not get new toys. Please do not ask, you are not allowed to have anything new". Finn started crying. He had it in his head that he was going to Finagle a new transformer out of Gram one way or the other.
I figured that since I had made my wishes known in front of my mom AND dad, that all would be right with the world.
My mom took Finn and picked Peter up from school. She took them to get haircuts. She took them back to her house to play. THEN She took them to Target."Just to look".
When they got home there was a bag with new transformers in it. Finn looked at me. his eyes were narrowed, his lips were pouty. He was shaking his head with a cocky swagger. (kind of like Stewie from Family guy)
I asked "Where did these come from??"
Very honestly and with great snootery(is that a word?) he said "From Target. Gramma bought them for us. I told you she would".(snottery snootery and more snootery)
I looked at my mom and said "What are these?"
she kind of shrugged, gave me a grimace and said(I KID YOU NOT), "I dont know. Gotta go" and ran out the door. She KNEW she had called down the thunder and didnt want to stick around for the storm.
Peter immediately started to backpedal and said, within seconds of me shutting the door and turning around, "It was Finn's Idea." Well Played Peter.
So mom, I love you. The boys love you. But no means no. You are grounded.
Dad, you should have known better. You were there in the car when I told them no more toys. You have the wallet, refuse to hand over the cash, bro! You are usually pretty good about keeping mom in line when I say no. We're you not availible for the Target Excursion? Did you HONESTLY think they were going there "just to look?". Dad, you're grounded.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
It's a No Brainer, if you are a Polar Bear

Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too.
When you're a girl Polar bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.
If you're a mama Polar bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.
If you're a Polar bear, your mate expects you to wake up growling. He expects that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.
Yep, gonna be a Polar bear!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
1. FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. FIVE MINUTES : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3. NOTHING This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. (see #1)
4. GO AHEAD This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5. LOUD SIGH: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing.
6. THATS OKAY This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7. THANKS: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.
8. WHATEVER Is a women's way of saying SHUT UP!
9. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT, I GOT IT Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, "what's wrong"(see #3 for the answer)
Men, you totally understand this e-mail.
women, you will act all huffy and mad, then laugh because you will realize you, too, are a "words women use" sinner.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Eat me! Eeeeat mmmeeeeee! Pretzel windows covered in white and milk chocolate, and nuts.(ahhhhhhhh, the heavens are singing praises unto thee!!) However, I am now on a diet and firmly committed, so get thee behind me Satan!! Get thee behind me with your sweet and salty, crunchy goodness that I am sure would just melt in my mouth and leave me feeling warm and smooshy inside! As I sit here with my bottle of water and a healthy, nutritious breakfast these bad boys are calling my name. Eaaaat meeeeeee. Eeeaaaat meeeeeeeee! Buuuuyyyy meeeeeeee and eeeeaaaaat mmeeeeee! GAH! Lord, give me strength.
This is not the first time I have had a run-in with Nuts4candy. Remember these from my previous blog??

Handle wrote the Hallelujah chorus about these pretzels, I am sure.
But as I said before, i am firmy committed. It is time to lose all my weight for once and for all. No more messing around.
My goal is 60 pounds.
So I will lose 80 so I can buy victory pretzels...
goodbye my sweets, I will see you in a few months! I count down to the days when you will be in my hands and I will sit and eat you in one fell swoop...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I'm Goin' wholesale
I would like to sell my gourmet lip balms wholesale as well. I think people would be willing to pay 2.99 a tube for it at their local gift shop, pharmacy etc the way they do Burts Bees(I want to give BB a run for their money!). I dont think I would have any problems getting into nice shops and boutiques. And, I think I would do well at Craft shows.
That's not the issue plaguing me. What I AM grappling with is "Cheap" (UGH, I hate that word.)
I believe whole heartedly in my lip balm. I think it is honestly the best balm out on the market. I have worked for several years perfecting the recipes, and developing a product line. It is a GOURMET Lip Balm. It is full of high end, lip pampering ingredients. That is not cheap. So to make those wholesale(to where I actually make a small profit that doesnt get reinvested back into materials etc) they would HAVE to retail for almost 3.00 a tube. I would be able to wholesale them for 1.40 a tube.
But there are always THOSE PEOPLE. The "I can get it cheaper elsewhere" or the "It's nice, but I dont want to pay $2.75 for a tube of lip balm" or "Hey Shelia, doesnt your sister make lip balm out of crisco??How much would she charge me for a cup of it?" It is inevitable, I am well aware. It is a part of life and part of the crafting experience.
So, how do I keep my gourmet balms higher end yet appease the bargain hunters?? How do I make a profit on wholesale balms that can be sold cheaply, yet still be worthy of THE BALM SHOPPE name?? I have found a solution.
Introducing my EVERYDAY BALM.
This balm is vegan. The base consists of Soybean Oil and Candelilla Wax. Add to it cocoa butter and palm kernel oil, then wonderful aloe butter, jojoba, shea oil, castor, rice bran, and almond oils. It is a fantastic balm that is worthy of The Balm Shoppe label. Smooth and Creamy, an all around economy balm that is sure to please the bargain hunters and wholesalers as well. It is truly an everyday balm that anyone can use. i think it will especially appeal to teenage girls. It is inexpensive, it comes in awesome girly flavors AND the castor oil leaves a great shine on the lips to rival Bonnie Bell!
I can sell it to the cheapo's at the craft shows. I can put labels on it and use it to promote my shop. I can hand them out as free gifts with purchase. I can do a buy one get one with them. It is a great economic balm that I can sell wholesale for a reasonable price and then in turn the wholesalers can retail for a price that most people would be willing to pay. It is a happy medium that I can live with and not feel as though I have compromised myself.
Now, to find a label I am happy with. There is the label above, or this one:
Any input would be appreciated on the labels. Leave me a comment and let me know which label you prefer! Top one or this bottom one.
may your lips be smooth and supple...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
star wars...nothing but star wars...
Now here are some talented folks who REALLY know how to do star wars.

AnsleyBleu over at etsy has this cinnamon bun-a-riffic Princess Leia hair pattern. You will be the hit of any Convention!
Now all I need is a Gold Bikini and my husband can be Jabba the Hutt!

I am totally buying these for my husband who is a HUGE Star Wars Geek(I mean fan). These cufflinks are from the etsy shop of, you guessed it, Cufflinks.
These storm troopers would look great in the cuff of any Star Wars geek on your list!

This is a stained glass portrait of my favorite character from Star Wars, Yoda.
This beauty was done by FishInTheC.
hang it as a picture. I personally would put it in a window and let Yoda fill the room on a sunny day. Clever, you are.

These Light Saber earrings rock my world. They are lego earrings by Heavenandthehell.
available in yellow too!
pair them with that leia pattern from ansley bleu and you re good to go!

My sentiments exactly LizStaley.
great little badge to show your true feelings about Young Skywalker.

A very clever take on Starry Night by Van Gogh, this Star Wars night by Newbpainter is a winner. I love it. Very clever and different. This print would be perfect for any geek room.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Everybody's talkin' at me, I cant hear a word they're sayin'....

1. I got into the 4 day Rock Hill Galleria Mall craft show. It is Christmas in October and will be the first Thurs-Sunday of October. I need to get tables and think of some cool displays. I will be headed there as The Balm Shoppe. My daddy and I are going to Lowes or Home depot today to look at wood and think of cool display ideas. I have a few things in mind, but am worried that they may be a little too grandiose. But he is super handy and good at making stuff, I think he is the perfect person to help me out.

6. This was my favorite commercial this superbowl. Naomi Campbell cant dance worth crap, but the lizards are darn entertaining. very clever. Glad I found it on Youtube(of course you can find just about anything there!)

And Finally, my Must Have from Etsy.
This awesome necklace comes from the etsy
shop of VintageFiligree.
Isnt it stunning?? I can see that around my neck!!
And thanks to my dear friend Dana for sending me these pictures from her last visit and our trip to Monkey joes. Those two cuties are my boys Finn(left) and Peter(right)
a.k.a. Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

I think thats enough for one day, dont you??
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Attention BalmShoppe Shoppers, we now have a blazing blue beacon of savings....

STRAWBERRY BANANA- A classic combination. Cant beat it!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sodium For the Soul

Saturday, February 16, 2008
My biological clock is ticking...well not really.
no, not really, but seeing that sweet laugh puts a smile on my face.
See, I am not a baby person. If I could give birth to a 7 month old, I would. I would completely skip the whole newborn stage. I just hate it. I hate the crying and total dependence and waking every 3 hours to feed. If a woman has a little baby and she asks if anyone wants to hold it, I am the first one running to the door. I Just dont do babies. Including my own kids. Isn't that terrible?? I loved my babies, but I LOVED it when my babies turned about 6 months. They start crawling and sitting up and getting more independent, and reacting and playing.
But I saw this video on You Tube and just fell in love with this child.
Just the simple joy of this child as his mom and dad say "bong". To be 8 months old again and have that kind of simple joy and outlook on life.
Friday, February 15, 2008

You can give them as great gifts, sell them at craft shows or online. EVERYONE loves body products.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Stop your squealing and say cheese!

You can see it a little better here:
What makes the whole thing so funny is that both the Bat AND Charles have the same smile.
Say Cheese!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Photoshop, redux

This is an Old Timey type photo, complete with self made striping and noise and filters etc.

(Obviously thats not MY picture. My attempts, I am quite positive, will look like Sesame Street on Crack.)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I-I-I-I-I I'm hooked on a feeling
I dont know why, I really needed something to make me laugh. I think this video is hilarious and watching it always makes me smile! Ooga Chucka.
I guess I am feeling a little grouchy. I dont think I slept well last night, I know for sure I had some wierd dreams.(something about reviewing an application, google adwords, a friend from highschool, cutting in line to beat a slow person getting on a plane and sasquatch??) GAH. what am I thinking about subconsiously to have such a random assortment of wierdness in my dreams? Honestly.
On a good note, last night the UPS guy came and had 9 BOXES for me. Yes, NINE! I bought shipping boxes and crinkle paper, I bought some more soap fragrances and needed some more ingredients, I got some more lip balm flavorings, I got my knuckle buster credit card imprinter and Charles(DH) got his wireless mouse he bid on from (fe)Ebay for his laptop.
I tried to open the door and the dumbass had blocked us in with our mountain of packages. They deliver to our side door, which is the door we use mostly for going in and out. So we had to push push push to get a space big enough to squeeze through and moce stuff into the house. In retrospect I suppose it would have been easier to cut through the piano room and go out the front door and around to the side of the house. But I am not that smart in the heat of the moment, and you know what they say about hindsight. It really IS always 20/20. And on another good note I now have enough packing peanuts and foam sleeves and bubble wrap to last me for the next 6 years. It is in a GIANT lawn bag, filled to the brim. Thats fine with me, now I dont have to pay for shipping cushioners!(yay. I'm being somewhat earth conscious!)
So despite my bout with "The Mondays"(which is odd, since it is actually Tuesday) I guess I am starting to feel pretty happy.
Thanks Hoff.
Monday, February 11, 2008
TGFR (Thank goodness for remnants)

I took them up to the cutting table and measured out how much was left of each one. Most of them were 54" wide and averaged between 1 and 2 yards. So for 3.36 PER YARD I got 14 to 19 dollar a yard fabric. They were exactly what I was looking for. It was as if my mind was opened up and the table provided. Now I was thinking about just using stuffing, but lo and behold the Gods were smiling down on me that day and the pillowforms were on sale too. 3$ each. So I grabbed 3. (2 of them are 16x16 and the other is 12 x 16. I wanted a little variety.)I went home, called my mom and drafted her help (I was dealing with prints and stripes. It was really a disaster of epic proportions waiting to happen had I tried to attempt this on my own)
90 minutes later, VOILA!
(ignore the 12 year old leather couch that is in desperate need to conditioning and cleaning).
I have material left over, so I think I may go back and buy more pillow forms and make some more. I am in LOVE with these pillows. Now I feel like my room as a little color, I didnt break my budget PLUS I ended up with extra fabric to use towards more, or something else. (especially the toile print. I have a TON left over. Any ideas??
Life is good.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008
It's mine Mine MINE!!! Thanks to the pictures.

HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THIS TOTE???? Well ladies and gentlemen it is off the market. This beauty was purchased by me this morning. Jealous, aren't you?? I can hear you saying to your self "Oh, how cute! I want that too!!" Well you cant, it's mine. (sticking tongue out in taunting fashion)
but in all seriousness: Do you want to know why I chose THIS particular tote?? (apart from the awesome colors and fabric that are totally my personality) There are MANY talented purse and bag makers on etsy, but ultimately the deciding factor to chose sewgracious was her pictures. The bag is AWESOME, her shop is clean and her pictures are bright. There were other bags I liked as well, but the pictures were too dark and I couldnt see exactly how bright and beautiful the fabric was, and the different views of the bag. Sewgracious has it dead on perfect. She shows you the front, back, inside, pockets everything. Her descriptions are thorough, her pictures are bright and beautiful and you can see just how professionally sewn her bags look. You can see every seam, every line, every inch of her bags. I Like that. I think most people appreciate that, and if pictures sold purses, she would be a millionaire.
I wont lie I spent a good 48 minutes and 27 seconds perusing "tote bags" and "Amy Butler tote bags". There were PAGES and PAGES of totes and purses and handbags (along with tag abuse items that I immediately flagged. Thats right! I'm in a flaggin mood this morning kids!) I favorited several new sellers, I compared, I hemmed and hawed. This purse was more expensive then 2 others I really liked. Usually I am an advocate of "on sale", "Clearance" or "cheaper". However, in the end, I decided on this beauty from Sewgracious because of the wonderful pictures. They HONESTLY were the deciding factor.
Then my next battle was to choose WHICH bag from Sewgracious. seriously, her shop is to die for. But when I die I will be buried with this bag, so grubby paws off ya vultures!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
I'm going for it
The first Application is for a juried entry craft show for one of the largest festivals in the South, "Matthews Alive". It is a 4 day festival held in historic Downtown Matthews, NC(which happens to be a block from my house!!). Over the 4 days they have 175,000 visitors!
They have games and carnival rides, bands, food, entertainment and of course arts and craft vendors. The application fee is only $10. I have to submit photos of my work, photos of me actually MAKING my work, photos of my supplies, workshop etc and pictures of my set up.
If I get in and get accepted ,THEN I pay the spot fee. That is for 3 days of A&C vending.
So I decided to strap on my boots, roll up my sleeves and jump in. I am submitting an application as The Balm Shoppe and sell my bath and body products.
I am really excited. I think I may have a shot at getting in. If I do, I have a buttload of work to do!! So over the next few weeks I am going to be taking pictures(making 'em purdy!) and making my application really stand out. I will know in May wether or not I was accepted. So please keep your fingers crossed for me! They JUST put out the applications, so I am getting mine in bright and early! It is Juried, and there are about 170 slots available. They only do a few spots of each type of craft(Jewelry being saturated). Well looking over the previous years roster, there is ONE other vendor that does bath and body products.
The second application was for a 4 day craft show at the Rock Hill Galleria Mall.(which is 20 miles from my home) It's an "everyone's invited" event and no one gets turned away.
Again I would go as The Balm Shoppe and sell my bath and beauty products.
I have also been looking into local Christmas Bazaars and more popular shows.
This is the year that I go for it. I cant be scared, I cant be worried about rejection. I have to do it and I have to go for it. I know that if I want to succeed I have to be willing to take a little rejection and go through a little uncomfortableness.
I already signed up for ProPay, I have a knuckle buster credit card imprinter, I am READY to make this happen.
I have turned over a new leaf and cant be scared to try new things. So what if I get rejected. At least I tried!
I am currently reading HANDMADE FOR PROFIT! by Barbara Brabec. She is a successful home business advisor and a leading expert on turning craft hobbies into successful businesses.
It seems promising, and she even has a whole section on craft shows, set up, checklists and more.
So wish me luck! any hints or suggestions I am happy to take them. Please just leave me a comment!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
It's the Year of the Rat-Happy Chinese New Year
The Rat was welcomed in ancient times as a bringer of material prosperity.
The Rat is associated with aggression, wealth, charm and order. It is also associated with death, war, the occult, pestilence and atrocities.
Being the first sign of the Chinese zodiacs, rats are leaders, pioneers and conquerors. They are charming, passionate, charismatic, practical and hardworking. Rat people are endowed with great leadership skills and are the most highly organized, meticulous, and systematic of the twelve signs. Intelligent and cunning at the same time, rats are highly ambitious and strong-willed people who are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas, which often include money and power. They are energetic and versatile and can usually find their way around obstacles, and adapt to various environments easily. A rat's natural charm and sharp demeanor make it an appealing friend for almost anyone, but rats are usually highly exclusive and selective when choosing friends and so often have only a few very close friends whom they trust.
Behind the smiles and charm, rats can be terribly obstinate and controlling, insisting on having things their way no matter what the cost. These people tend to have immense control of their emotions, which they may use as a tool to manipulate and exploit others, both emotionally and mentally. Rats are masters of mind games and can be very dangerous, calculative and downright cruel if the need arises. Quick-tempered and aggressive, they will not think twice about exacting revenge on those that hurt them in any way. Rats need to learn to relax sometimes, as they can be quite obsessed with detail, intolerant and strict, demanding order, obedience, and perfection.
Rats consider others before themselves, at least sometimes, and avoid forcing their ideas onto others. Rats are fair in their dealings and expect the same from others in return, and can be deeply affronted if they feel they have been deceived or that their trust has been abused. Sometimes they set their targets too high, whether in relation to their friends or in their career. But as the years pass, they will become more idealistic and tolerant. If they can develop their sense of self and realize it leaves room for others in their life as well, Rats can find true happiness.
According to tradition, Rats often carry heavy karma and at some point in life may face an identity crisis or some kind of feeling of guilt. Rats are said to often have to work very long and hard for everything they may earn or have in life. However, a Rat born during the day is said to have things a bit easier than those who are born at night. Traditionally, Rats born during the night may face extreme hardships and suffering throughout life. Rats in general should guard themselves against hedonism, as it may lead to self-destruction. Gambling, alcohol and drugs tend to be great temptations to Rat natives.
Traditionally, Rats should avoid Horses, but they can usually find their best friends and love interests in Monkeys, Dragons, and Oxen.
Professions include espionage, psychiatry, psychology, writing, politics, law, engineering, accounting, detective work, acting, and pathology.
Traditional Rat Attributes/Associations
Zodiac Location-1st
Ruling hours-11pm-1am
Season and month-Winter, December
Chinese Lunar Month For The Rat-December 7 to January 5
Colors-Black, red, white
Lucky Number-11
Roughly equivalent western sign-Sagittarius
Food-Pork, peas, cabbage
Positive Traits-Meticulous, intelligent, shrewd, compassionate, charismatic, charming, ambitious, practical, industrious, honest, eloquent, versatile, familial, creative, hard-working, neat, organized
Negative Traits-Controlling, obstinate, resentful, lacks-a-sense-of-humor, manipulative, cruel, vengeful, power-driven, critical, possessive, stingy, bossy, fickle, defensive
Most Compatibility-Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Semi-Compatibility-Snake, Rat, Dog, Tiger
Incompatibility-Rabbit, Rooster, Horse, Pig, Sheep
So in Honor of Chinese New Year, go to your favorite takeout, order some Sesame Chicken, and enjoy the Year of the Rat.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Chocolate= happiness
this is chili chocolate spoon fudge.
slow burn, yet chilis and chocolate
are a natural combination.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Greatest Place in the World

I have had the opportunity to travel to many many places both in the US and Abroad, and when someone asks me "Where is your favorite place you have ever traveled to?", my answer is always Nags Head.

Day trip from Boise- Hells Canyon and Dam , and Owyhee Reservoir
"Hells Canyon, North America's deepest rover gorge, encompasses a vastly remote region with dramatic changes in elevation, terrain,...

A few months ago I was scouring Pinterest for kitchen storage and pantry ideas, and I saw a GREAT post about an IKEA Pax Wardrobe used for ...
If your old potholders are anything like mine, it is time to throw out those manky old boys and step into some new pre...
There are two people I am positive that i am psychicly connected to. #1 is lindsey . When we were 15 we ended our 3 year "I hate you...